Ancient Civilizations that Were Wiped out by the Younger Dryas Impact Event Were Very Advanced...

What you're saying doesn't. He make any goddamn sense. It's way more likely that there was incredibly sophisticated technology that existed and it's way more likely in face of the evidence of the younger driest impact theory that that was wiped out and that we're talking about a really Advanced civilization that lived a long time ago. It's more advanced than we are today but moved in a different direction. Like we moved in the direction of combustion engines and electronics and and they moved in some other direction but achieved maybe many thousands of years more sophistication in that direction than we have with our internal combustion engines and electricity and all the that we use and it's important for people to understand that these primitive methods that are suggested and pushed very hard by the quote mainstream.They don't test any of these like show me them moving you know a thousand ton. Stone unlocks let's see that uh they don't show they've never cut one single box like you said in half or even completed once.