Ben Explains how the Serapeum was Unfinished

It's come up I had a lot I've had some long email exchanges with your dad about it um about the Sarah PM yeah. No there's been a couple guys that go in there take some fun so one I have been learning a lot more about the Sarah PM. In recent visits. Like not all the boxes are finished on the inside on the inside yeah. Not all of them and um some of them as I've got. Corners that aren't aren't quite finished. There's some other interesting things going on in there though like there's which maybe speaks to whatever functionality it was. But we were noticing that where there was either divots or imperfections on the inside surfaces to our eye. It looked like they matched something that was happening on the outside so it was almost as if like the thickness of the of the edge of the box was more important. So if there's like a lump on the inside it corresponded to like a like a scoop on the outside and then vice versa in a couple places yeah.