Do You Think the Burkle Crater is Related to the Flood in the Old Testament

Another one that you have you heard of Burkle crater that's another one yes yeah biblical crater like the 20 20 mile hole in the bottom of the Indian Ocean yeah yeah. It's crazy when is that supposed to be fine so five that was five thousand years ago. They've dated that it's something plopped down in the the Indian Ocean and it washed up these Mega tsunamis on the coast of Madagascar and Western Australia that we can see in satellite images.

Today. These got these like five six hundred foot high Chevrons from where the water went miles Inland and they they found organic material from the seabed in these Chevrons and then they date that with Carbon 14 dating and they put it right at uh 5 000 years ago so 2500 around that time BC which is actually a really interesting date when you consider some of the I guess the Publications that we rely on in our in our modern civilization. Today. The Bible the Old Testament wasn't written long after that and if you think about where the Indian Ocean is that could have been the source of the biblical flood like that that would have washed up north into the Persian Gulf flooded the hell out of that whole region.