How Could the Egyptians Possibly Have Achieved Such a Feat that is so Difficult and Costly Today...

That thing weighs a hundred tons with the lid yeah. So the Box itself might be about 70 in the lid's probably 30. And as the lid's been pushed back and it's yeah. It's a it's insane and there's 25 of them and this here's the thing like we've never made anything.Like this in our civilization. We don't not saying we couldn't but uh an interesting experiment Chris Dunn went to like a granite Processing Company and said hey what would it cost how could you make us one of these boxes well. You know for starters the lump of ground. It's going to be a ton amount of money and then it's like we just wouldn't. We couldn't. We couldn't make the box without developing specific tools to do it because the way they'd make it is they'd cut like five slabs and then bolt them together. You know like a floor and then four walls and they'd bolt it together into a box. These are single pieces so what's what's impressive about that is it's like you you have to Quarry this one block of stone and then dig it out. You have to dig all of the inside out.