The Dynastic Egyptians could Measure Latitude and Longitude Long Before "Modern" Society

Of latitude to longitude so if you take that grid of latitude and longitude you spread it out on the planet. You go down to one quarter of one degree and you measure it. So it's a little bit further sort of East-West than it is north south. That ratio of latitude to longitude is expressed in the pyramid oh because this it sits on something over talked about the foundation. It sits on something just sits on the foundation called the sockle so it's like they call it a qubit height. It's about this High sticks out about this far so it gives you two ways to measure the perimeter length right. You can measure the base of the pyramid or you can measure the base of the soccer the soccer being slightly larger and when you Ratio or you compare those two numbers. It's the largest latitude and longitude and bear in mind that we couldn't figure out how to measure longitude accurately in our own civilization until the turn of the what the the the 19th century. I think that's what it was James Cook's the second voyage of Discovery. We could not measure longitude to save ourselves until we develop chronometers and watches accurate enough to do so.