The Dynastic Egyptians Inherited Advanced Technologies in the Form of Architecture and Artifacts

But it's it's a hundred percent an indicator of some form of Technology. That's far away beyond the Primitive stuff that we attribute to the dynastic Egyptians so to me. It's an indicator that and I don't think they're dynastic Egyptians. They don't describe having this type of capability. We've never found any tools from them that can do this type of thing. So I think what we're looking at here with dynastic. Egypt is is a story. It's a longer timeline. It's a story of inheritance. I think they inherited a lot of artifacts potentially. Some architecture potentially like parts of the pyramids or that type of thing and then that's where their culture Grew. From that I mean they themselves describe their history as going back. Nearly 40 000 years like it's way they themselves look at themselves. They look at them like a legacy culture.