The Pyramids were Built to Scale with the Equator and Polar Radius?!

You take the height of the Great Pyramid you multiply it. By 43 200 you get the polar radius of the Earth so what does that mean polarity so from the center of the earth to the North Pole polar radius. If you take the perimeter length of the Great Pyramid you measure around the perimeter of it and you multiply that by 43 200 you get the equatorial circumference of the earth. So the length of the the uh of the of the uh right of of you know the the Equator so it's 43 000. So 40.This is this gets into Randall Carlson territories. It's a it's a four three two seven two you know seven. It's it all relates back to um. Uh I guess the cosmic sort of cycles and all of these are processional numerology when you talk about you know procession of the equinoxes you're familiar with this term. So it's the great year you know right. Now. We're in the age of Pisces. It's that 26 000 year cycle that's defined by where the sun rises on the on the uh on the solstice and it's like under what constellation does it rise so right. Now. We're in the age of Pisces uh where we're transitioning into.