The Tile Built on the Foundation is Just as Impressive as the Pyramid itself!

One pyramid is not just when you build these pyramids that they're part of a complex not the other pyramids. But they have a Causeway. They have these they call Everything's a temple or ceremonial but there's there's temples. There's years of work just in preparing the ground. The whole Foundation of what's around the pyramid I love going to Egypt and showing people. Everyone stands there and look up at the pyramids. I'm like look down at your. Feet look at what you're standing on you. There's these massive floor tiles that have been put into the ground. Some of these things weigh up to like 200 tons and then they fit together like a geometric puzzle and done so precisely you can't stick a razor blade in between. The gas. I didn't know that oh I'd imagine you didn't pick up on that at all so you're saying that they dug down and then created a flat surface a foundation and then tiled the foundation yeah with these but but some of these I mean you're talking tall. This thick some of them even bigger in fact the middle pyramid is even more impressive in that regard because it's built into a side of a hill like it's literally a sloping Hill so they dug down on this side and they've raised it up on this side. They made this flat.