This Could Be Technology That We Have Never Seen in the "Modern" era

It's about the same size same mass as the Obelisk that's sitting in this mountainous Quarry in Egypt in Aswan. It's still in the ground. It's like 1200 tons of granite and you're expected to believe that they somehow are going to lift this thing up out of a quarry over these basically big hills and mountains of granite and put it on a little ship that's narrowed in this what they would this they call it the harbor there and it's this tiny little space. I'm like you're absolutely delusional if you think this was a simple task that could be achieved with primitive methods and then ship that thing A Thousand Miles somewhere. It's when you speculate when you sit around by yourself because you've thought about this a lot how the do you think they did. This look I I take a while wild ass guess. I think there's connections possibly to to gravity manipulation. I think anti-gravity had to have it play a part in moving some of this stuff. I actually think there's some connections to some of the the work that's being done with this plasmoid implosion technology. The the stuff that Randall's been looking into that's coming back to.