We Don't Even Build With that Type of Precision Today...

That pyramid itself the Great Pyramid the one that we all know and look at the biggest one. It's aligned to True North. Within just you know a fraction of a of a degree off. I mean there's we just don't build with that type of precision. Even today the in fact the only building we made that was that precise was like an observatory in France that was the first one we ever made that even came close to that degree of precision. They made that in the 1800s that's just one aspect of it. Though it's yeah it's insane apart from it being just the tallest building for Forever. Until the Eiffel Tower was built so so the traditional historical narrative is that these were built what 4 500 years ago something like that somewhere around the 2500 BC. So they build this in 2500 BC and then it takes us until 1800. Yeah A.D in order to build something Cola taller yeah just taller not even as precise yeah not nowhere near as for some Thousand Years. Later 4 500 years later. Whatever it is so you can understand why people start to question the historical narrative.