If Mainstream Science and Archaeology Removed their Blinders we Could Uncover so Much

Our our day in day out year after year observation is that yeah a lot happens a grain of sand at a time and a trickle of water at a time. But how is it that a uniform. These strict uniformitarians cannot concede that it that sometimes there are cataclysmic events. I mean they they cite cataclysm for the extinction of dinosaurs over 60 million years ago oh yeah. So why why is it not also conceivable that 12 800 years ago. There was a great cataclysm that um yeah that changed life on Earth because they would have found it by now it's kind of recursive. It didn't happen because we've been studying. These time periods our entire careers and my you know major professors career going back another 40 years that we couldn't have missed something so big I mean to your point though you get up and if you have blinders on you can miss anything.