What Kind of Tool could have Been Used to Make these Holes in the Granite?

In modern examples the drill or the tool itself is always much wider and larger than the bit that's doing the cutting so how could you cut these holes and still have them remain straight much as there's no room for a large drill to cut a straight hole. Here there is likewise no room for the whole copper tube and bow drill apparatus that is claimed by so many egyptologists at the method used to cut tube. Drill holes not that any copper tubes of this type have ever been found but it remains true that you cannot make these holes in these locations that are flush against the walls with that particular setup. You either need something like an offset bit or something that is capable of overcoming the issue with the holes being lined up flush with the sides of the inset surfaces in the Box clearly whoever manufactured. This box had a solution for this particular problem as the evidence for it sits here today for us all to see even if we haven't found the actual tool.